sâmbătă, 31 iulie 2010

joi, 29 iulie 2010

21. Going fast to "Home made EFI Version 2.1"

I need to fix some bugs:

1. keep the schematics simple
1.1. remove the ignition management module because it is very complicate to make all the things work and it is more simple to figure out where are the problems.
1.2. remove the stepper motor controller module (because i use a servo motor instead)
1.3. remove any other unused module (relays, leds, connectors, etc...)

2. isolate or change the metallic box because the rain it is a problem

3. replace all the connectors and solder the wires on the pcb to avoid any problem with connectors.

4. increase the clock tick interrupt from 1/4us to 1/8us (or 1/16us)

In the following pictures you can spot some issues. The rain cause a short circuit and the pcb was damaged in some points.

The three places where the pcb was damaged in the version2:

The "salt like" substance from the rain:

20. "Home made EFI Version 2" schematics

marți, 20 iulie 2010

19. EFI it is working

The engine starts not very easy. Now the problems are:
1. the adjustments for the injector time table
2. the problems with the rain!
3. the big problem it is the lack of time!

18. Almost done

Hello , i do not have much time, so take a look to the pictures.